Journal Management
Journal of the Physical Society of Indonesia (JPSI) maintains a well-defined infrastructure crucial for the independent and efficient operation of an open-access journal, in line with COPE's Core Practices.
Business Model:
JPSI operates on an open-access model, providing free access to all its published content, supported by a transparent and sustainable business model without compromising editorial independence.
Policies and Processes:
The journal has established comprehensive policies and processes for submission, peer review, publication, and archiving, ensuring the integrity and quality of the published content.
Editorial Software:
JPSI utilizes state-of-the-art editorial management software to streamline the editorial process, from submission to publication, enhancing the efficiency and reliability of journal operations.
Editorial Board:
The editorial board comprises distinguished experts in the field of physics, who are regularly trained and updated on the best editorial practices and ethical guidelines.
Editorial and Publishing Staff:
Our editorial and publishing staff are equipped with the necessary skills and continuously trained to manage the journal professionally and ethically.
This policy ensures the effective management of JPSI, reinforcing our commitment to upholding the highest standards of scholarly publishing.