Intellectual Property

In accordance with COPE's Core Practices, Journal of the Physical Society of Indonesia (JPSI) clearly defines its intellectual property policies, ensuring transparency and adherence to ethical publishing standards.

Copyright and Publishing Licenses:

JPSI operates under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, which allows non-commercial use of the articles with proper attribution. Authors retain substantial rights, including copyright and the right to disseminate the article for non-commercial purposes.

Publication Costs:

As an open-access journal, JPSI does not charge any fees for article submission, processing, or publication. All articles are freely available to both authors and readers.


Work that has been previously published in a substantial form will not be considered for publication in JPSI. A substantial form may include publication in other journals, books, or online platforms that are publicly accessible.

Plagiarism and Redundant Publication:

JPSI defines plagiarism as the appropriation of another author's language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions without proper acknowledgment and considers redundant or overlapping publication as the concurrent submission of the same manuscript to multiple journals. Both are strictly prohibited and subject to severe editorial action.

This policy serves to protect and respect intellectual property rights and to clarify the responsibilities of authors, ensuring the integrity of the scholarly record.