Physical Society of Indonesia

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Journal of the Physical Society of Indonesia

Journal of the Physical Society of Indonesia (JPSI) is an international journal published by the Physical Society of Indonesia (PSI, previously HFI or Himpunan Fisika Indonesia/Indonesian Physical Society). This journal covers experimental and analytical research in physics, covering theoretical and applied physics of various fields (Astrophysics dan Astronomy, Nuclear Physics, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Biophysics, Condensed Matter, Energy, Geophysics, Material Physics, Mathematical Physics, Optics, Particle Physics, Quantum Physics) and Educational Physics.

JPSI is the continuation of Physics Journal of the Indonesian Physical Society formally published by Himpunan Fisika Indonesia (HFI) since 1996-2001 (ISSN 1410-8860) in printed format. In HFI meeting in Denpasar on 16 October 2014 it was agreed to continue the publication of the journal in on-line format named Journal of the Indonesian Physical Society (JIPS) published in English. The name has been further changed into Journal of the Physical Society of Indonesia (JPSI) following the change of HFI (Himpunan Fisika Indonesia/ Indonesian Physical Society) into Physical Society of Indonesia (PSI).

Preparations for website, editors, peer reviewers, and call of papers was started in mid 2016. Papers in the first publication of JPSI (Volume 1, Number 1, April  2019) were received and accepted for publication between June 2016 and March 2019. However, because the ISSN was issued in July 2019, it is not applicable for April 2019 issue.  Hence regrettably no manuscript were published in Volume 1, Number 1, April  2019 issue, and papers started to be published in Volume 1, Number 2, October 2019 issue.

JPSI is issued twice a year (April and October issue) in open journal system (OJS). We cordially invite the physics community to electronically submit papers after registration through our website at The number of pages should be minimum four and maximum ten pages through journal website, and should follow the format available on the article template. The publication of articles follows double blind reviews (reviewer and author do not know each other) by neutral and expert of the field reviewers.

The online submission and publication in JPSI will be charged at no cost.

Any question about manuscript preparation and submission, please contact

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Risalah Fisika

Risalah Fisika sebagai jurnal yang mempublikasikan hasil-hasil penelitian dalam bidang fisika secara umum, mencakup Fisika Teoritik dan Fisika Terapan di berbagai bidang (Astrofisika dan Astronomi, Fisika Inti, Atom dan Molekul, Biofisika, Fisika Zat Mampat, Energi, Fisika Terapan, Fisika Bumi, Fisika Material, Fisika Matematika, Fisika Optik, Fisika Partikel, Fisika Kuantum) dan Fisika Pendidikan.
Risalah Fisika diterbitkan dua kali setahun, edisi Januari dan Juli, oleh Physical Society of Indonesia (PSI) Pusat dengan open journal system (OJS). Manuskrip yang akan dikirim ke Redaksi Risalah Fisika harus mengikuti format sesuai template yang dapat diunduh di sini. Artikel yang diterbitkan melalui proses double blind review (mitra bestari maupun penulis tidak mengetahui nama maupun detil masing-masing) oleh mitra bestari yang netral dan pakar di bidangnya.
Kami mengundang para penulis untuk mengirimkan naskah hasil penelitian dengan cara melakukan registrasi terlebih dahulu sebelum mengunggah file manuskrip. Dengan OJS, bukti penerimaan naskah secara otomatis terkirimkan ke email penulis yang telah diregistrasi sebelumnya. Selain itu, proses alur naskah dapat terpantau secara online. ?

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