Journal of the Physical Society of Indonesia
Welcome to the Journal of the Physical Society of Indonesia (JPSI)
Dive into a world of groundbreaking discoveries and innovative research with JPSI, the premier international journal of the Physical Society of Indonesia (PSI). As a trusted platform for physicists worldwide, we showcase cutting-edge studies across diverse fields—from quantum mechanics to astrophysics, biophysics to geophysics, and beyond. With a rigorous double-blind review process, open-access publishing, and a commitment to academic excellence, JPSI bridges the gap between theory and application, fostering collaboration and inspiring the next generation of scientific advancements. Join us in exploring the limitless possibilities of physics!
ISSN: 2685-3841 (Online)
Risalah Fisika
Risalah Fisika merupakan jurnal yang mempublikasikan hasil-hasil penelitian dalam bidang fisika secara umum, mencakup Fisika Teoritik, Experimen dan Terapan di berbagai bidang (Astrofisika dan Astronomi, Fisika Inti, Atom dan Molekul, Biofisika, Fisika Zat Mampat, Energi, Fisika Bumi, Fisika Material, Fisika Matematika, Fisika Optik, Fisika Partikel, Fisika Kuantum) dan Fisika Pendidikan.
Risalah Fisika is a journal that publishes research results in the field of physics in general, including Theoretical, Experimental and Applied Physics in various fields (Astrophysics and Astronomy, Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Biophysics, Compressed State Physics, Energy, Earth Physics, Material Physics, Mathematical Physics, Optical Physics, Particle Physics, Quantum Physics) and Educational Physics.